Colin Longmiddlename Long Lastname - business Coach Berlin
Business Coach Colin Longmiddlename Long Lastname

Colin Longmiddlename Long Lastname

Learning Strategist
Contact Me

Scientific Writing - challenge accepted

Part coach, part cheerleader, part caffeine-fueled idea machine. I turn your marketing woes into 'whoa!' moments with strategies sharper than a brand-new pencil and creativity that's borderline absurd (in the best way). 🚀

My methods are simple: less jargon, more results, and a dash of dad jokes to keep things spicy. Whether you’re stuck in a brand identity crisis or your campaigns need CPR, I’m here to help you market smarter, not harder.

Likes: Viral memes, ROI that makes accountants cry tears of joy, and clients who laugh at my puns.

🚫 Dislikes: Bland taglines, boring presentations, and people who still say 'synergy' unironically."

Tagline: “If your brand were a superhero, I'd be the cape.” 🦸‍♂️

Academic Coaching by Colin Longmiddlename Long Lastname
phone ,
34€ / 60min